Neuro-circuit group combines therapies for Parkinson’s members, with all levels of mobility
This October, Parkinson’s Centre for Integrated Therapy has introduced a new class run by PCIT’s Occupational Therapist, Katie Skelton and PCIT Personal Trainer, Sarah Frow. This class is aimed specifically at the over 65 age group of PCIT members and combines seated exercise, activity and games.
The early weeks of this class, plus a few pilot classes prior to October, have seen a number of PCIT members take part and enjoy this fun and informal way of working out both the mind and body, whilst supporting each other to live well with Parkinson’s.
The class, costing £10 per person, happens every Monday afternoon at 2pm and you can book a space by emailing
We look forward to welcoming new PCIT members to come along and give it a try.